Coach supervision

Coaching Supervision and Mentoring (1-1 or Group)

Seren brings a unique blend of coach mentoring (as specified by the ICF) through the lens of an experienced supervisor (ESIA), and is able to tailor her approach to the precise needs of the individual or group.  Seren is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the ICF and has been an accredited coach since 2011, so has a deep understanding of the competencies required. She is listed by the ICF as a recommended mentor.

With strong values of professionalism, integrity and quality, she is passionate about helping coaches reach their full potential.     Her supervisory style enables coaches to broaden and deepen their coaching conversations by  exploring their coaching relationships through different lenses and perspectives.  Generally she operates in coaching mode but will guide with authority around ethical and boundary issues.

Her approach to supervision is three pronged:

  • Formative – helping coaches be the best they can be, developing their skills and broadening their repertoire of tools and interventions; helping identify limiting beliefs that may be getting in the way of them doing their best coaching.
  • Normative – helping coaches resolve any ethical issues that arise in their coaching; raising their awareness of best practice.
  • Restorative – providing a safe space for coaches to discuss troublesome issues; helping them re-energise, and disentangle their own emotions from that of their coachees.


What other coaches have said:

  • “I wouldn’t hesitate to highly recommend Seren. She’s a truly exceptional coach and coach supervisor. Working with her, I most appreciate her level of rigour and sense of care. These qualities in tandem have enabled insights, shifts in thinking and tangible next steps. Simply put Seren’s supervision has had a huge positive impact on my professional practice and ability to support/challenge my clients effectively.” LF
  • “I was lucky enough to be taught, coached and supervised by Seren over 5 years, an amazing passionate Coach who truly understands, lives and breathes Coaching principles and helps others succeed and achieve. Seren educated, supported and challenged me through my accreditation as a Coach.” DW
  • “I have had a number of coaching supervision sessions with Seren, which I have found incredibly helpful. Seren really tunes in and I find she asks brilliant questions that help me reflect on my practice, gain new insights and take next steps. Having coaching conversations with Seren has certainly enabled me to explore a number of scenarios, develop ideas and arrive at tangible outcomes for how I can move forward. I see her as a positive role model in coaching and have learnt a lot from seeing her approach and style. I would highly recommend Seren as a coach.” – JK
  • “I feel very fortunate to have chosen Seren as my coaching supervisor having reviewed many profiles online before contacting her. As a relatively inexperienced coach, I always find our sessions invaluable, guided by her skilful and insightful questions, which always bring the conversation back to me and my coaching, thereby demonstrating great coaching in the moment.” SK